Serving is the simplest way to meet people and get involved...Plus, it's fun! Serve alongside friends and family, or on your own!
Volunteer Opportunities
- Greeter - Help welcome people to worship!
- Welcome desk receptionist - Assist newcomers & provide info/answer questions about Bethlehem
- Ushers - Ensure everyone is comfortable, prepared and ready for worship
- Mailings Assistant - Join a group of individuals who help prepare and push out important BLC newsletters and other information
- Alter Guild Volunteer- Prepare the Narthex and Sanctuary for the sacrament of holy communion
- Communion Servers - Aid in serving holy communion to all who hunger during worship
- Assisting Minister - Participate in readings & prayers during worship
- Vocalists & Musicians - Share your musical gifts with us as a soloist or as part of the praise band
- Sound Tech - Run the sound board for sanctuary worship
- Livestream Tech - Help people everywhere experience worship by running cameras or video software during worship
- Offering Counters - Aid in collection and counting of offering following worship
- Christian Education Teacher - Help our youth grow in their faith by leading a Sunday or Wednesday school class
- Confirmation Leader - Teach a Sunday or Wednesday confirmation class and watch them develop deeper relationships with Jesus, each other & themselves!
- Vacation Bible School Leader - Join in the fun of one of our biggest Christian Education events of the year
- Adult Small Group Leader - Have an idea for an adult CE group? We'd love to hear it!
- Wed Night Meal Ministry Volunteer - Assist as we serve over 400 meals per week to the Aberdeen community
- Van Drivers - Aid in making church accessible to people of all ages, abilities and access backgrounds
- Sunday Morning Coffee Server - Help us build relationships between worship services with coffee, treats & fellowship
- Sunday Morning Treat Angels - Help us break bread together by baking or buying treats
- Funeral Teams - Play an important role in funeral receptions at BLC
- Garden Angels - Help keep Bethlehem beautiful by planting & pruning around the church grounds
Leadership teams
Part of what makes Bethlehem so special is our incredible leadership. We're blessed to have 10+ teams that dream, deliberate and help make vital decisions for the betterment of BLC. Interested in serving on one of the following teams? We'd love to connect with you. Give us a call at 225.9740 or email us at
Welcome Ministry Team, Worship Ministry Team, Teaching Ministry Team, Serving Ministry Team, Youth & Family Team, Human Resources Team, Financial Resources Team, Property Resources Team, Pre K Team and Endowment Committee